Android Emulator

If you do not own an Android device to run our Sandbox app on, you can do it using an emulator.

Things you need

Starting the Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager

  1. Open Android Studio.

  2. Find and select Tools → Android → AVD Manager on the top menu.

Setting up a new virtual device

  1. Start the wizard by clicking + Create Virtual Device.

  2. Select a device (we recommend Pixel 5.0 or Nexus 6) and press Next.

  3. Select an x86 system image (we recommend Nougat, API Level 25, Android 7.1.1 with Google APIs) and press Next. The image needs to have Google Play Services 10.0.1 or higher.

  4. In the bottom left corner, select Show Advanced Settings.

  5. Scroll to Memory and Storage.

  6. Change Internal Storage to 2048 MB.

  7. Change SD card to 200 MB.

  8. Press Finish.

Starting the virtual device

  1. On the right side under Actions, select the green Play button.

  2. Wait for the device to boot, this may take a few minutes.

Installing the bunq Sandbox App APK

  1. Open the command line.

  2. Navigate to your Android SDK platform tools directory (e.g. cd ~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools on macOS).

  3. Make sure that the virtual device is started and has fully booted.

  4. Run ./adb install ~/Downloads/bunq-android-sandboxEmulator-public-api.apk. and wait for the success message.

Creating an account and/or logging in

  1. Create a sandbox account in the developer portal.

  2. Log in to the sandbox app using the sandbox user credentials.

If you couldn't generate a sandbox account in the developer portal, use Tinker:

  1. Install Tinker.

  2. Run tinker/user-overview to create a sandbox account. The output of the command will include the login credentials for the sandbox account.

It is NOT possible to create sandbox accounts using the sandbox app. bunq does not review Sandbox account applications.

Creating a new API key

You can create additional sandbox API keys for the sandbox app. Go Profile → Security & Settings → Developers → API keys → Add API key.

The API key is valid and can be assigned to an IP within 4 hours after its creation. Otherwise, it becomes invalid. API keys that are created via the sandbox app are wiped from the sandbox base with each sandbox reset.

Last updated

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